Oil Lubricated Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps

MULTEPAK OIL LUBRICATED ROTARY VANE VACUUM PUMPS BRIEF INTRODUCTION Rotary Vane Pumps are oil-sealed vacuum pumps. They contain a specially positioned rotor and vanes that split the working Chamber into two different compartments that have variable volumes. Gas flows into the suction chamber as the rotor turns until it is sealed by the second vane. After the enclosed gas is compressed, the outlet valve opens against pressure. The oil seals the outlet valve and releases a small amount into the suction chamber as the valve opens to lubricate the Chamber and seal the vanes against the pump's housing. Main Features 1. High ultimate vacuum degree, less than 0.5mbar 2. High pumping speed 3. Low operating noise, less than 66 dB(A) 4. Good capab...